
You can download my CV by a click on a frontier blue icon.

General Information

Full Name Amir Masoud Nourollah
Date of Birth 16th August 1997


  • English
    • TOEFL Overal 109 (Reading 28, Listening 30, Speaking 25, Writing 26)
    • GRE Overal 335 (Verbal Reasoning 162, Quantitative Reasoning 169, Analytical Writing 4)
  • Persian
    • Native
    • First Language and Mother Tongue
  • Azerbaijani
    • Native
    • Mother Tongue


  • 2024
    PhD Student
    Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, UK
  • 2023
    Shahrood University of Technology, Semnan, Iran
    • titleUsing deep learning to detect neurons and segment them either binary or semantic for their components to compute their length in fluorescence microscopy images
    • contentsMedical Image SegmentationObject Detection
    • GPA3.8 / 4
  • 2020
    Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


  • 2023 - 2024
    Machine Learning Research Assistant
    Novin Barnameh Kara (NOBKA)
  • 2021 - 2022
    Deep Learning Engineer, Sharif University of Technology, Iran, Tehran
    Payesh Pishrafteh Amin (NOVE)
  • 2021 - 2022
    Teaching Assistant
    Shahrood University of Technology, Iran, Semnan
  • 2017 - 2020
    Software Developer
    Faradid Payesh System

Open Source Projects


Programming Language Python, C/C++
Python ML Libraries, Frameworks, and Platforms PyTorch, PyTorch Geometric, OpenMMLab Projects, SciKit Libraries, OpenCV, Coqui-ai TTS, RDKit

Honors and Awards

  • 2023
    • Among top 1% high grade in the Shahrood University of Technology, Computer Engineering