Amir Masoud Nourollah

Ph.D. Student at Cardiff University Cardiff, United Kingdoms


United Kingdoms, Cardiff

Currently, I am doing my PhD on the explainability of deep neural networks in the field of chemistry. I did my master’s at Shahrood University of Technology, with a focus on image segmentation for neuroscience images. Meanwhile, I have been working in the industry for years. and I will tell my story here!

Presently, my research interests include graph neural networks, reinforcement learning, multimodal deep learning, and chemistry. While my fervor lies in contributing substantively to the field of computer science, I am particularly compelled to spearhead groundbreaking advancements in deep learning, transcending disciplinary boundaries to enrich the landscape of chemistry as an interdisciplinary frontier.

I believe in the symbiotic relationship between various scientific disciplines, where techniques and insights from one field have the transformative power to catalyze breakthroughs in another. This interconnectedness fosters a dynamic environment where innovations in one science can ignite the inception of new paradigms in others, ushering in an era of collaborative progress and interdisciplinary discovery.

In the tapestry of my daily life, fitness, and sports weave a profound and essential thread. I immerse myself in rigorous training sessions that span the disciplines of Muay Thai, Judo, running, and swimming. Embracing an ethos of active living and holistic well-being, I welcome the challenges inherent in these sports, pushing my boundaries and savoring every step of the journey toward enhanced fitness and vitality.


Dec 27, 2023 Our paper has been published in IBRO Neuroscience Reports!
Sep 17, 2023 I graduated from the Shahrood University of Technology with a Master’s degree in Computer Engineering, AI & robotics.

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Apr 1, 2024 Cardiff University
Sep 17, 2023 Graduation

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